Is it okay to breathe? AirQuality.LK Platform Launch

Verité Research, in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation, National Building Research Organization (NBRO), Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), and ENTGRA, organized an event to formally launch AirQuality.LK. Along with the launch, the event featured the research findings of a Verité Research study that explored air quality data and its impact on public health. The study aims to raise awareness of the harmful health effects of poor air quality and demonstrate the technical aspects of air quality data collection.

The study utilized health incident data and air quality data to determine the detrimental impacts of poor air quality on public health. According to the research, maintaining good air quality could potentially reduce all-cause mortality by an estimated 1% to 6% nationwide when compared to the baseline. This highlights the need for a comprehensive policy on air quality to promote a cleaner and healthier environment for the people of Sri Lanka.