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Is it okay to breathe? AirQuality.LK Platform Launch

Verité Research presented their study on air quality data and its effects on public health, highlighting the adverse impacts of poor air quality and demonstrating the technical aspects of air quality data collection. The study aimed to create awareness of the harmful effects of poor air quality on public health and emphasize the importance of air quality data collection.

February 7, 2023

Is it safe to breathe in Sri Lanka

Exposure to poor air quality is ranked among the top 10 leading global risk factors for disease. The lack of visibility of air pollution often results in delays in public policy and personal responses, till the problem is acute. Improving the collection and access of air quality data is the first step, to making it […]

February 7, 2023

Know what you breathe in 2023

There is very little research on air quality in Sri Lanka and how it affects our health. This brings us to AirQuality.LK is a platform to bring awareness of the risks of poor air quality, help the public protect their health, and create policy reforms. Watch Verite Research’s research associate, Ashani Basnayake, guide you through […]

February 7, 2023

The Link Between Air Quality and Health in Sri Lanka 2023

Air pollution is increasingly documented as a threat to public health in most developing countries. Evaluation of current air quality levels, regulatory standards and scientific literature on outdoor and indoor air pollution, and health effects are important to identify the burden, develop and implement interventions and to fill knowledge gaps in Sri Lanka.

February 3, 2023

Verité Research hosts South Asian Regional Workshop on Air Quality

Verité Research in conjunction with the US Department of State hosted a virtual workshop on air quality on 21st and 22nd of March 2022.

March 22, 2022

Understanding the Air Quality Index (AQI)

Learn how air quality is measured and the main purposes of AQI.

March 22, 2022

Adverse effects of air pollution on the elderly

Increasing life expectancy rates and declining birth rates have led to an increase in the world’s older population (i.e. those aged 65 and above) in recent years. However, this demographic constitutes those individuals who are perceptibly more vulnerable to the impact of air pollution. They are a group with high levels of long-term conditions occurring […]

March 21, 2022

How air pollution impacts pregnancy

Pregnant women become more vulnerable to the effects of air pollution during the course of their trimester. The increased air volume inhaled per minute, greater oxygen consumption, and higher cardiac output during the course of pregnancy play vital roles in the greater susceptibility of pregnant women to the ramifications of air pollution.1 These factors accommodate […]

March 21, 2022

Consequences of inhaling polluted air for children

Children, who account for approximately 26% of the total global population, are among the most vulnerable to the adversities that revolve around the direct and indirect implications of air pollution. Ambient air pollution, which mainly arises as a result of fossil fuel combustion, industrial processes, and waste incineration, puts the health and development of children […]

March 21, 2022

How does Colombo’s air quality change over the year?

Air quality in Colombo is driven mainly by two factors: the level of emissions and the shift in monsoons

March 16, 2022

Quantifying the Covid Clean-up of Air Quality in Colombo

One positive offshoots of Covid-19 was that it helped improve air quality in Colombo – as movement was restricted to prevent the spread of the disease.

March 16, 2022